About Our Company

Company Profile

Company Overview
History of PT Kerbau

PT. Kerbau is a cigarette company that was founded in 1956 where the founder of PT Kerbau is Mr. Hadi Soebroto. Initially established with the form of an individual company engaged in the cigarette industry, named "Tjap Kerbau" which is located at Jalan Kolonel Sutarto No.16, Jebres-Solo. Mr. Hadi Soebroto started his business by working on Hand-Rolled Kretek Cigarettes (SKT) with his mainstay product “Kerbau Longsize”. And for more than a decade, "Tjap Kerbau" cigarettes have proven their existence in the cigarette market in Indonesia.

Company Logo's Philosophy

The white buffalo logo is inspired by the philosophy of "kerbau bule" of the Surakarta Kasunanan palace, where according to ancestral heritage it is believed that this buffalo brings good fortune and good luck. The vision and mission of PT Kerbau are also reflected in the company logo. "Kerbau" which symbolizes the meaning of "Ngayomi" and "Ngoyemi" believed that in addition to having great power also have high social instincts.

Our Vision

To become a national scale cigarette company that prioritizes the quality of cigarette products for adults and distributes benefits to each company's marketing area.

Our Mission

  1. Create products that prioritize taste and quality over selling prices. PT Kerbau has always been known for its delicious, quality, but affordable cigarette products in all levels of society.
  2. Maintaining product quality by paying attention to employee welfare. PT Kerbau understands that the quality satisfaction of a product starts from the internal scope of the company. By providing welfare, a sense of security, and comfort for employees, it will certainly increase mobility and the quality of human resources which affects the supervision and processing of PT Kerbau product quality.
  3. Distribute benefits in every marketing area of PT Kerbau. PT Kerbau does not only care about the level of sales of an area which is the marketing area of PT Kerbau but also makes a positive contribution by:
  • Take part in the construction of religious facilities and infrastructure for the community.
  • Take an active role, be fast, and respond to natural disasters.
  • Active in social activities.

Unique. Powerful. Creative.